Bringing together studies and anecdotes to
this misunderstood and under-evaluated fetish.





I started this site to unify and highlight some of the official information that's been studied on eproctophilia and combine them with anecdotes and related kink information to try to paint a more complete picture of a very easily misunderstood, marganilized, and, at times, disrespected paraphilia.

Unknowingly, I began having sexual fantasies involving eproctophilia in the first grade; these fantasies would continue well into puberity. In the mid-2000's, I discovered Yahoo! Groups on the subject matter of eproctophilia and, soon after, I found a forum of a popular model within the eproctophilia community. On that fourm, I was inspired to write erotica by some of the other authors that were posting their work. I began writing my own stories in 2005 for the forum and, soon after, for my own website.

Since 2005, I've written over 200 short stories; in 2017, I published my first book of requested stories. I've spent the great majority of my life thinking on, pondering, and creating content for myself and other eproctophilia fans.

In March of 2017, I entered the robust Los Angeles kink community; my first exposure was through professional dominatrix and, soon after, I began frequenting the local clubs with fervernt regularity. I felt empowered by the community to express myself and my kinks to other players, however, in practice, eproctophilia is found to be a significant conversation non-starter in my limited experience.

In 2022, I started the Fart Fetish Podcast.